Tales from the RNA Underworld - A Blog from the Dark Side of the cell

On a break

January 13, 2011
On a break over the summer (here in NZ)!
Will be back with more from the Dark Side in early Feb.

Happy New Year for 2011!!!!

Catastrophe - RNA viruses on the brink

November 6, 2010

Lets start with the basics like the central dogma of life. (See the diagram below) I don’t know who came up with the name but it sounds cool for the textbooks so it kind of stuck. DNA is our famous double stranded genetic storage material, all our genes are there, ready to go. It is...

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The RNA Underworld Blog

Lesley Collins Bioinformatian and Evolutionary genomics researcher in the RNA underworld. looking at how ncRNAs interact with proteins and other RNAs in the modern and ancient RNA worlds. Feel free to leave a comment, just click on the title of the particular blog and scroll to the bottom of the page.

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